class deslib.dcs.lca.LCA(pool_classifiers, k=7, DFP=False, with_IH=False, safe_k=None, IH_rate=0.3, selection_method='best', diff_thresh=0.1, rng=<mtrand.RandomState object>)[source]

Local Classifier Accuracy (LCA).

Evaluates the competence level of each individual classifiers and select the most competent one to predict the label of each test sample. The competence of each base classifier is calculated based on its local accuracy with respect to some output class. Consider a classifier that assigns a test sample to class Ci. The competence is estimated by the percentage of the local training samples assigned to class Ci by this classifier that have been correctly labeled.

pool_classifiers : list of classifiers

The generated_pool of classifiers trained for the corresponding classification problem. The classifiers should support methods “predict” and “predict_proba”.

k : int (Default = 7)

Number of neighbors used to estimate the competence of the base classifiers.

DFP : Boolean (Default = False)

Determines if the dynamic frienemy pruning is applied.

with_IH : Boolean (Default = False)

Whether the hardness level of the region of competence is used to decide between using the DS algorithm or the KNN for classification of a given query sample.

safe_k : int (default = None)

The size of the indecision region.

IH_rate : float (default = 0.3)

Hardness threshold. If the hardness level of the competence region is lower than the IH_rate the KNN classifier is used. Otherwise, the DS algorithm is used for classification.

selection_method : String (Default = “best”)

Determines which method is used to select the base classifier after the competences are estimated.

diff_thresh : float (Default = 0.1)

Threshold to measure the difference between the competence level of the base classifiers for the random and diff selection schemes. If the difference is lower than the threshold, their performance are considered equivalent.

rng : numpy.random.RandomState instance

Random number generator to assure reproducible results.


Woods, Kevin, W. Philip Kegelmeyer, and Kevin Bowyer. “Combination of multiple classifiers using local accuracy estimates.” IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 19.4 (1997): 405-410.

Britto, Alceu S., Robert Sabourin, and Luiz ES Oliveira. “Dynamic selection of classifiers—a comprehensive review.” Pattern Recognition 47.11 (2014): 3665-3680.

R. M. O. Cruz, R. Sabourin, and G. D. Cavalcanti, “Dynamic classifier selection: Recent advances and perspectives,” Information Fusion, vol. 41, pp. 195 – 216, 2018.


estimate the competence of each base classifier ci the classification of the query sample using the local class accuracy method.

In this algorithm the K-Nearest Neighbors of the test sample are estimated. Then, the local accuracy of the base classifiers is estimated by its classification accuracy taking into account only the samples belonging to the class wl in this neighborhood.

Returns an array containing the level of competence estimated using the LCA method for each base classifier. The size of the array is equals to the size of the pool of classifiers.

query : array cf shape = [n_features]

The query sample

competences : array of shape = [n_classifiers]

The competence level estimated for each base classifier

fit(X, y)[source]

Prepare the DS model by setting the KNN algorithm and pre-processing the information required to apply the DS methods

X : matrix of shape = [n_samples, n_features] with the data.
y : class labels of each sample in X.

Predict the class label for each sample in X.

X : array of shape = [n_samples, n_features]

The input data.

predicted_labels : array of shape = [n_samples]

Predicted class label for each sample in X.


Estimates the posterior probabilities for sample in X.

X : array of shape = [n_samples, n_features]

The input data.

predicted_proba : array of shape = [n_samples, n_classes] with the
probabilities estimates for each class in the classifier model.
score(X, y, sample_weight=None)[source]

Returns the mean accuracy on the given test data and labels.

In multi-label classification, this is the subset accuracy which is a harsh metric since you require for each sample that each label set be correctly predicted.

X : array-like, shape = (n_samples, n_features)

Test samples.

y : array-like, shape = (n_samples) or (n_samples, n_outputs)

True labels for X.

sample_weight : array-like, shape = [n_samples], optional

Sample weights.

score : float

Mean accuracy of self.predict(X) wrt. y.


Select the most competent classifier for the classification of the query sample given the competence level estimates. Four selection schemes are available.

Best : The base classifier with the highest competence level is selected. In cases where more than one base classifier achieves the same competence level, the one with the lowest index is selected. This method is the standard for the LCA, OLA, MLA techniques.

Diff : Select the base classifier that is significantly better than the others in the pool (when the difference between its competence level and the competence level of the other base classifiers is higher than a predefined threshold). If no base classifier is significantly better, the base classifier is selected randomly among the member with equivalent competence level.

Random : Selects a random base classifier among all base classifiers that achieved the same competence level.

ALL : all base classifiers with the max competence level estimates are selected (note that in this case the dcs technique becomes a des).

competences : array = [n_classifiers] containing the estimated competence level for the base classifiers
selected_clf : index of the selected base classifier(s)